What's on your workbench?

JR59 Jan 29, 2006

  1. kevsmith

    kevsmith TrainBoard Member

    So I've finally got an FM IH 10-44 I'm happy with.


    No couplers as yet and it is sitting slightly low at the front which a shim will cure I've got a lighting board to fit into the top

    Trundling past Cuyahoga roundhouse. One slight problem though, I had it on the test track with the boxcab, turned up the throttle and they set off in different directions!


    Pretty much my entire NKP diesel fleet. The two PAs are just out of shot


    Time to get this one done now. Alco RS11


  2. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Robert, if you needed a proto photo, a fellow rail buff, Larry Zeutschel bagged this one in Glendive, MT. Before and after! https://flic.kr/p/2jps1ZK https://flic.kr/p/2jps1T7

    Wow, that looks fiddly! In Z scale, no less. Will be phenomenal when it's done, but man, it looks delicate.

    rray, Kurt Moose and bostonjim like this.
  3. rray

    rray Staff Member

    Where did you get an RS-11 kit? That's something I need for my Alco collection too!
  4. LWR21

    LWR21 TrainBoard Member

    I'm guessing it's from Gerd.
  5. kevsmith

    kevsmith TrainBoard Member

    It was from Gerd if memory serves me correct.

    I've had it quite a long time but I'm in the mood to do it now

  6. HoboTim

    HoboTim TrainBoard Supporter

    Drive on!!!! Gerd is a master at creating motive and rollingstock with etchings!
    Kez likes this.
  7. mrnosal

    mrnosal TrainBoard Member

  8. rray

    rray Staff Member

    Thanks Hemi, those photos are perfect reference pics. ;)
    Kurt Moose and HemiAdda2d like this.
  9. rray

    rray Staff Member


    That came out great! [​IMG]
  10. kevsmith

    kevsmith TrainBoard Member

    So Santa came early

    Two LMS Royal Scot 4-6-0s in FUD from Shapeways. Will be going on the Marklin P8 chassis


    Never saw one of these in the original condition with the parralel boiler but saw plenty of the taper boiler ones before steam ended on BR

    Great Western (not that one!) 1366 class 0-6-0ST in Brass. designed to fit marklin BR 89 chassis with everything behind the motor cut away



    All these are designs by Ivan Industries

    After a lot of head scratching Ivan has finally come up with the ubiquitous HAA Hopper, moe commonly known as the MGR wagon. These were built in large quantities and worked circuit coal trains between the coal mines and power stations in the U.K

    This one has had a hard life. You can see how complicated the hopper bottoms are and the lvers for the automatic discharge system

  11. kevsmith

    kevsmith TrainBoard Member

    They usually worked in rakes of 30 or 36 so Ivan has done these test shots as a three pack


    CNE1899, Steffen B, bostonjim and 5 others like this.
  12. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Looks complicated, and a hard life for sure!
    How's that RS-11 coming along?
  13. kevsmith

    kevsmith TrainBoard Member

    RS 11 is, err, still pending

    I'm tied up doing some MOD 'Warflat' tank carrying wagons in gauge 1 at present. It is nice to bash some big metal every now and then and fire up the 200W soldering iron. They are over on the G scale forum.

    But, the parcel from Shapeways also prompted a message from the designer about the dimensions of the printed models as delivered.

    The MGRs are spot on. he has really captured the look of these quite complicated shapes and the Marklin wheelsets run freely without falling out


    I will come back to the steam locos later but hold off ordering the 1366 0-6-0St until we find out why it is so tight on the chassis

  14. kevsmith

    kevsmith TrainBoard Member

    The Royal Scot which I ordered in FUD to test first looks more like a Patriot than a Scot, The chimney is to tall but if I can make a convincing 'Baby Scot' from it it would suit me better. First because I did see them as a young lad and also because the new build one currently being constructed is still making good progress

    45519 'Lady Godiva' recorded in my Summer 1958 Ian Allen combined volume in 1962 ( I was aged seven) location unknown. Obviously taken by my Dad


    I've got a shrewd idea where it is from the pics either side on the negatives just need to do some cross referencing

    This book, that listed every locomotive on British Railways including them new fangled diesels was a constant companion and is still in good nick considering it is 62 years old. dad bought it for my third birthday so he was planning ahead. I've already told our Brooklyn he is getting the 2020-21 version as one of his christmas presents


    test fit on the Marklin P8 chassis. Motor fits nicely in the cab and I've cut off the top of the cylinders but it is still rocking slightly on the top of the motion bracket. Cylinders and front bogie are too far back so I might put this one together as is and move the cylinders and bogie forward on the next one. The splashers don't line up with the wheels.


    The Patriot class and the Scots were both designed by Henry Fowler of the LMS and stuck to his chosen design of a Belpaire firebox with a parallel boiler. So rigid was he in his thinking that they used the same design of tender on many classes of locos which meant in some combinations meant the cab was 6 inch wider on each side than the tender. Many of the Patriots got rebuilt with taper boilers and double stacks after Sir William Stanier took over but one great regret for a lot of U.K railfans is that none survived the cutting torch


    45551 'The Unknown Warrior' since I took this picture of the new build the boiler components have been rolled, the firebox components are to hand. The tender is well on and it is looking good


    For its fund raising appearance at Barrow Hill roundhouse we had one side painted in LMS Crimson Lake and the other in BR Green. Once it is out on the mainline I can justify running it on Republic Steel when it is running in British modern image form! Crafty Eh? I've put a fait bit of money into this project and given them free use of my Dad's pics for their publications.

    if you are interested this is the homesite of the patriot group


    Once I'm happy I will re-order it in brass

    more soon

    HoboTim, CNE1899, Steffen B and 9 others like this.
  15. mrnosal

    mrnosal TrainBoard Member

    Archistories Z scale Kallental Farm House Kit (405171). This laser cut cardstock kit comes with a farmhouse and barn.

    Archistories Kallental Farmhouse

    It is roughly 2.6" x 2.4" x 2.1", and took about six hours to put together. The kit also includes a barn:

    Archistories Kallental Barn

    The barn is about 2.1" x 1.7" x 1.5" and took about 3 hours to put together.

    CNE1899, Kurt Moose, ZFRANK and 5 others like this.
  16. bostonjim

    bostonjim TrainBoard Member

    Nicely done, Mike. Their kits are excellent and fit together precisely. I just received some MBZ card stock kits last week but nothing to show yet. Thanks for posting them. Jim
    BarstowRick likes this.
  17. zdrada69

    zdrada69 TrainBoard Member

    Archistiries produce very nice kits. It is also important that they extended products for schratchbuilders.
    mrnosal and bostonjim like this.
  18. CNE1899

    CNE1899 TrainBoard Member

    Scratch building a 1890s UTL tank car. So far I have the tank together but still need to solder.
    I am using brass tube, brass binding nuts, and brass screw to create end caps, turret, and turret cap.
    I am trying to decide what method to use to build the frame. Scale lumber, brass sheet, or Circut plywood.
    We'll see what I can do based on time, capability, multiplicity, and affordability.
    View attachment 230791
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2021
    HoboTim, bostonjim, ZFRANK and 3 others like this.
  19. Kurt Moose

    Kurt Moose TrainBoard Member

    Very nice! Won't have to worry about weight!
    bostonjim and Kez like this.
  20. mrnosal

    mrnosal TrainBoard Member

    Second of the three Archistories kits I received for Christmas: St. John Church, kit 404181.
    It contains about 300 individual pieces, including individual stained glass windows. Total assembly time was approx. 15 hours. Roughly 10cm x 6cm x 12 cm. Compared to the Kallental Farm House, this is an advanced kit. All parts fit exactly - any imperfections are due to my model making skills, not the kit. There are well over 100 small (< 3mm) parts which needs to be individually applied.

    Archistories Z scale St John Church kit

    Archistories Z scale St John Church Kit

    Archistories Z scale St. John Church


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