MODELING It's Monday, November 25th 2019: Weekend Modeling Accomplishments

Jim Wiggin Nov 25, 2019

  1. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend, lets get started.

    Saturday: Busy day at the dealership, had lots of fun. Got home and relaxed with the wife and puppies.

    Sunday: Still fighting this head cold, but was feeling better and made the hour and 20 minute trip to Angela's Dad's place to help with some projects before having Sunday lunch at her Grandma's. We left in plenty of time to get home but since being sick, house repairs had taken a back seat so whatever time I had set a side for trains was used for house repairs....sigh, adulting...

    So how about you? Did you have time to work on projects? Let us know. This week is a special week for us American's. Thursday is Thanksgiving! Yes it has turkey, yes it has football, yes it has many traditions but by far, the most important is giving thanks for all we have. This will be my first Thanksgiving weekend that I will work on Friday and Saturday in almost 20 years. That said, I'm thankful for a job that allows me to have fun with cars and meet new people. I've decided this year to have the WMP thread posted on Friday, mainly so I don't forget to post it. If you have the days following Thanksgiving off, feel free to stop by Friday and let us know how things are going in your shop. So plan on stopping in on Friday the 29th to start a whole new weekend. Until then, be safe and...


    High Greens!
    Kitbash, Kurt Moose and BNSF FAN like this.
  2. SP-Wolf

    SP-Wolf TrainBoard Supporter

    Worked on my F3 project. (No new photos - yet)
    6138,8039 and 6139 are complete. 8038 is decaled and ready for the hand rails to be painted.

    I also messed around with a new acquisition. It's an IM F7 - won on the bay -- the listing made no mention of a decoder - so, great surprise. Not bad for $89.00

    Hope Y'all had a great weekend!!
    Kitbash, Kurt Moose and BNSF FAN like this.
  3. Kitbash

    Kitbash TrainBoard Supporter

    Spent all weekend mostly working on putting in 1/4" Masonite skirting. Installed about 30 linear feet in this session. The time consumer was cutting around gorge where the bridges are in the center of the room. Also spent some time mortaring in the brick walls of the brewery building I worked on last weekend.

  4. Kevin Anderson

    Kevin Anderson TrainBoard Member

    Sat down to work on the depot. Found I need more strip styrene so nothing got done. However my wife started her Christmas layout again. This year she went with a double track with two crossovers. She is running two trains this year.[​IMG]
  5. Hardcoaler

    Hardcoaler TrainBoard Member

    Finished up the carpentry drawings for my train table, then decided that tapered table legs might be a nice detail and am now thinking through how to do that.
    BoxcabE50, Kitbash and BNSF FAN like this.

    BNSF FAN TrainBoard Supporter

    Hope everyone had a great weekend. Happy Thanksgiving week to everyone! Finished up the last of the under track magnet installs. So now all the track is in place and all the magnets installed. Installed some more toggle switches and got the last 4 track power feeders attached to them and just have to get them connected to the bus wire now. Wanted to do some wiring on building lights too the but the warden vetoed any attempt at getting back under the layout for now. :( So, worked on adding some additional ballast and touching up some spots previously done. Put down a little ground cover as well. Will post some pics later to day in my N scale JPT Sub thread.
    BoxcabE50, SP-Wolf and Hardcoaler like this.
  7. Philip H

    Philip H TrainBoard Member

    Well clearly you need to make a slick tapering jig to fit your table saw . . . .
    BoxcabE50, BNSF FAN and Hardcoaler like this.
  8. gmorider

    gmorider TrainBoard Member

    I think the holiday motif is great! Look at all that. Good job!
  9. gmorider

    gmorider TrainBoard Member

    Right after I completed the covered hopper, I thought of a solution to something I had been needing for a long time. This is the unitized coupler, retainer assembly. Therefore, this past weekend I have been reworking a number of rolling stock. Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving!
    BoxcabE50 likes this.
  10. DiezMon

    DiezMon TrainBoard Supporter

    I got some details on, and working on fixing another LL SW9.. cuz their power pickup design blows..

    Attached Files:

    fordy744, Kurt Moose, SP-Wolf and 3 others like this.
  11. dualgauge

    dualgauge TrainBoard Member

    Had a busy weekend. Spent with club. Had to split up on Saturday. Had a door layout and T-Trak at local show. Packed up and put the door layout back in storage, then off to Great Train Show where had N-Trak and One-Trak set up. Sunday back to GTS to run and teardown. Park trailer til next weekend.

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