DCC++ Hardware - Throttles

KE4NYV Jan 25, 2016

  1. wvgca

    wvgca TrainBoard Member

    link above is good for qty 10, US based, no canada shipping on that rate, cheapest to canada from amazon.com is $7.00 US
    Scott Eric Catalano likes this.
  2. UK Steve

    UK Steve TrainBoard Member

    Got my work cut out for this one then :)

    No, seriously, I started having a play around with Autodesk's 123D Design (free for non-commercial) some time ago. It's surprising how easy it is to use. I hope to get myself a printer sometime soon. If any of you guys are interested, you could do worse than to grab a copy, and watch some of the many video's on the Tube. Here's one I took a lot of inspiration from to doodle up my first attempt at case design...

    CaptureA5.PNG CaptureA6.PNG CaptureA1.PNG CaptureA3.PNG

    I believe there will be lot's of possibilities to do some really cool models for a model railway...
    Scott Eric Catalano and Atani like this.
  3. esfeld

    esfeld TrainBoard Member

    OK, Steve ..... I'm back!
    Started playing around with your code ........ without the joystick I get a proper reading .... once I plug the joystick into A0 on an UNO it keeps iterating constantly from 1 to xxx without stopping and does not respond to any joystick motion. Here we go ......
    Steve F
    BTW ..the pinouts on the joysticks I have are from left to right .. GND .. 5V .. VRX .. VRY .. SW
    Scott Eric Catalano likes this.
  4. UK Steve

    UK Steve TrainBoard Member

    Scott Eric Catalano and wvgca like this.
  5. SP_fan_1951

    SP_fan_1951 TrainBoard Member

    I have made a little more progress on my fork of Dave Bodnar's throttle design. I have changed the update to a timer driven interrupt scheme, and have the turnout control working. The code uses a 4x4 keypad, and in version 2.8 a 2x16 display. Version 3 uses a 4x20 display. It uses the MsTimer2 library. To change a turnout position, press "A" followed by an address (0-32767) followed by an "A", then 0 for Normal or 1 for Diverging. Have fun with it.

    Attached Files:

  6. BrentGlen

    BrentGlen TrainBoard Member


    I have just finished building Dave Bodnars wireless throttle. I made a few modifications, I am using a pot instead of encoder and a direction switch rather than a push button, mainly because that is what I had on hand. I also changed the function buttons so that F0 will work to turn on the lights and so that F2 acts as a momentary function for the whistle/horn.

    Everything is working great, except that the display will go blank after a few minutes, the throttle continues to work, just the display goes blank, but it is still lighted.

    Any ideas as to what could be the cause? Wiring connections seem to be OK, should the code refresh the display even when nothing has changed (speed, direction)?
    Scott Eric Catalano likes this.
  7. Shaydriver

    Shaydriver TrainBoard Member

    Hi, I am using the original Bodnar throttle, with rotary encoder. Your version with turnout control is very interesting, My whole layout can be reached even with a cable-restrained throttle(though HC12 is in the pipeline...). But (the ever-existing but), I can't seem to find a usable digitalwritefast.h. Could you help with that ?
    Scott Eric Catalano likes this.
  8. SP_fan_1951

    SP_fan_1951 TrainBoard Member

    Try this:https://github.com/NicksonYap/digitalWriteFast
    Scott Eric Catalano likes this.
  9. DaPenguin

    DaPenguin New Member

    Greetings Randy;
    Did you do anymore with this version? Have a few that prefer the knob and switch tactile interface. Just how did you do this anyway?

    Scott Eric Catalano likes this.
  10. johnhb

    johnhb New Member

    I'm probably a couple of years behind the rest of you in making this DCC++ wireless throttle but here I am. When I power up the throttle all I get is a blank display. No start up message etc.
    I have checked the connections from the arduino shield to the HC-12 and they are as per the wiring diagram. I have also checked the connections from the Pro Mini to the HX-12 and to the display and all is ok.
    My questions are 1/ How do I find the I2C_ADDR ...It is currently 0x27 Does it need to be changed?
    2/ Do the HC-12 modules come as factory set to 9600? Do I need to program these?

    Would appreciate any help from anyone who has built this throttle and got it working.
  11. esfeld

    esfeld TrainBoard Member

    1-There is an I2c scanner sketch avaialable at: https://playground.arduino.cc/Main/I2cScanner/
    This is described on Dave Bodnars Trainelectronics.com :The HC-12 modules both need to be configured for a baud rate of 115,200. This procedure and other information about the HC-12 is on this web page: http://trainelectronics.com/Arduino/HC-12-Serial_Radio/
  12. esfeld

    esfeld TrainBoard Member

    1-There is an I2c scanner sketch avaialable at: https://playground.arduino.cc/Main/I2cScanner/
    This is described on Dave Bodnars Trainelectronics.com :The HC-12 modules both need to be configured for a baud rate of 115,200. This procedure and other information about the HC-12 is on this web page: http://trainelectronics.com/Arduino/HC-12-Serial_Radio/
  13. johnhb

    johnhb New Member

    I have used the HC-12 configuration program to set both HC-12's to 115200 baud rate. I have used the I2C scanner to set the address for the serial display. If I connect the lcd directly to the arduino then I can see the read out, but I am not getting anything when I use the pro mini and HC-12's. Does the pro mini require any programming to operate?
  14. Ominrailrob

    Ominrailrob New Member

    I'm new to the DCC++EX after being a DIGITRAX user for several years.

    Are there any parts lists for the Basestation Uno, Basestation Mega and wiring diagrams
    And any parts lists for the Wireless Touchscreen Throttle and is there a wired touchscreen Throttle?
    And can the Nano be used to control turnouts?

    I know there has to be a ton of software, is there a way to purchase a usb drive or micro SD card and instructions?

    I had a small stroke in 05 so my math and code skills are dismal at very best, for example I have a brand new 3D printer on my dinner table and because of the math involved the printer is a expensive paperweight. I'm also on SSI and SSDI. Thank you
  15. Sumner

    Sumner TrainBoard Member

  16. S t e f a n

    S t e f a n TrainBoard Member

    Ominrailrob, the Arduino running the DCC++EX command station is programmed when plugged in via USB to a computer; you do not need an SD card or USB stick for the Arduino. The program is stored on the computer.
  17. Steve Micinski

    Steve Micinski TrainBoard Member

    I am attempting to get back into the hobby again after a 30+ year break. Years ago I modeled in N-scale with DC. Now, I'm building a layout with DCC++ and JMRI. I have a DCC++ base station working and can use Engine Driver. I miss the feel of some type of throttle though and after learning enough to be able to build the base station I moved on to Dave Bodnar's original throttle. The first one with the potentiometer. I have all the components and have been able to access the Arduino mini pro through my USB connect in my PC. My problem is I simply cannot get Dave's code to compile at all. It's full of errors when I try to compile it. I have downloaded his libraries too. Any chance there is someone here with the original code compiled that can help me. I tried reasoning out the errors but I'm no coder and my programming never got beyond basic and I find the C++ coding in the Arduino IDE impossible to learn now.
    Sumner likes this.
  18. IronMan1963

    IronMan1963 TrainBoard Member

    This is the code I used to get mine working. You should be able to load it into the Arduino Ide.
    If it doesn't work you might have some libraries out of place.

    Attached Files:

  19. Steve Micinski

    Steve Micinski TrainBoard Member

    Thank you so much IronMan1963. That compiled without a hitch. I'm going to have to study the differences between what I used and yours so I can understand it better. Will this work with the original potentiometer dial for the throttle or is this only for the rotary encoder version?
  20. Steve Micinski

    Steve Micinski TrainBoard Member

    Hi all. Can anyone help. The code IronMan sent me compiled perfectly. It uploaded to the Arduino mini pro however I got several messages. They were all the same and stated "Invalid library found in c:/users/..../documents/arduino/libraries/EasyIoT-Cloud-master no header files (.h) found in :/users/..../documents/arduino/libraries/EasyIoT-Cloud-master. I also got the same message in the same format for: hexbright-master, RFDK-EFM69H_V2_1, sketch-F01b, and _MACOSX. As I said it said it uploaded but left me with those 5 invalid library messages.

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