loss of interest...

NS Fan Nov 18, 2004

  1. NS Fan

    NS Fan TrainBoard Member

    Thanks traingeekboy !
  2. traingeekboy

    traingeekboy TrainBoard Member

    Sorry about my typo's I was sneaking train time while at work. My sneaky time caught up to me too cause I got called on the rug a little while later.
    oops ;)
  3. NS Fan

    NS Fan TrainBoard Member

    friend of mine came by today and we re-worked a little bit of the track. I took out the yard that was in the "circle" and moved it out side where it fits a lot better.

    more pics this weekend
  4. Conrailrad

    Conrailrad TrainBoard Member

    I understand your problem. I've been that way for a long time. I even switched scales thinking that would motivate me, but it didn't. I finally figured it out. One of my friends in our train club said to me at a meeting one night, "every time I come over to your house, you either didn't do anything on your layout or you've torn it up. What you need to do is commit to the hobby. You have no commitment at all." I thought about what he said and he was right. Since then, I've rebuilt my framework, put down the sub roadbed, and attached the facia board. I take breaks from working on the layout. Sometimes 2 or 3 days. Then I go back to working on it. I put down some track, and now I'm working on a little bit of scenery. Also, I committed myself to a much smaller layout. It's 13 X 3. It's small enough to get alot more modeling done in a shorter period of time. After this small portion of layout is done, (I'll call it phase I), then maybe I'll expand. But for now, I'm satified with what I have done. Take your time and be patient. If you don't feel like working on it, it's not the end of the world. Just walk away from it for a few days. I've found that reading new model magazines and talking to other modelers helps alot also.
  5. Fotheringill

    Fotheringill TrainBoard Member

    I don't think anyone has made as many error in less than a year's time than I have.
    I have learned my lessons well- hence the name of my railroad.
  6. txronharris

    txronharris TrainBoard Member

    Bill. I just stumbled into this one and I have to agree with the other guys. You've not only got alot of money/time invested in what you've done, it also looks GREAT. I second the opinion of starting some scenery or buildings to get you going again. You did start out larger than I think most guys would on their first layout, but you've come so far. Hopefully we've all motivated you into getting back to it. We'd all like to keep track of your progress. Every layout posted is another chance for inspiring the rest of us. Thanks.
  7. Jman

    Jman TrainBoard Member

    Whenever I loose interest I turn to magazines or new books out on the market. I also always try to keep a train or two on the layout ready to run so all I have to do as I'm sitting there staring at it is flip a switch and off the little things go. Sometimes this is enough and others it's good for me just to se them run. Maybe switch an imagined industry and I'm off and improving this siding or that siding. One of these days I'll get motivated enough to actually do some scenery.
  8. traingeekboy

    traingeekboy TrainBoard Member

    I was just rereading this thread and someone mentioned how great trainboard is based on the supportive response everyone provided.

    I have been trawling that other forum and the level toxic nasty posting combined with my way or the highway thinking is appalling. Some of their regular trolls go right to the edge of being truly rude and nasty without crossing the line, but you know they are just playing a game to try to provoke other people into getting out of hand. It's always nice to come back here and find the support of this bunch of folks.

    I'm sure we are all different: republicans/liberals/ believers/nonbelievers/ baptists/catholics/jews/white/ black/brown/yellow/red/green,etc. but we all seem to love trains and enjoy spending time on here with others who feel the same way about it.

    Sorry to get so touchy feely, but I really enjoy my time here. Thank you everyone.
  9. Flash Blackman

    Flash Blackman TrainBoard Member

    I have posted this before, but I try to run a train for thirty minutes every day. Every day. Sometimes that is all I do for a few weeks, but I eventually get back to the layout. Great therapy.
  10. wig-wag-trains.com

    wig-wag-trains.com Advertiser

    How has your progress progressed?
  11. OC Engineer JD

    OC Engineer JD Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Yes, I am interested in the progress too. :)
  12. Pete Nolan

    Pete Nolan March 17, 2024 TrainBoard Supporter In Memoriam

    The originator of this thread has not posted since it appeared.
  13. Powersteamguy1790

    Powersteamguy1790 Permanently dispatched

    The rebirth of this thread perlexes me. It's obvious the poster hasn't posted since this thread originally surfaced over 18 months ago.

    Stay cool and run steam.....:cool: :cool:

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