Atlas Flex Track...

strummer Jun 5, 2016

  1. strummer

    strummer TrainBoard Member

    I see on one of the other forums a video saying Atlas will be producing their "long awaited" Z scale flex track.

    Seems to me that this is a big deal; anyone else see this?

    Mark in Oregon
    Kurt Moose likes this.
  2. bremner

    bremner Staff Member


    Look about 2:40 in
  3. Kurt Moose

    Kurt Moose TrainBoard Member

    I would back this 100%! If we show Atlas there is a market for this and many more products they could produce, Atlas has unlimited resources for producing Z-scale for the masses!! One more company that will make Z-scale products is fine by me!! Maybe they will be the first to produce an Z-scale GE loco like the U-Series, or even some Alco's!!
    ddechamp71 likes this.
  4. ddechamp71

    ddechamp71 TrainBoard Member

    In my case, would prefer my long awaited Z-scale factory built power-routing, no plastic roadbed and no side mecanism turnout... Obviously any newcomer is welcome, but speaking of flextrack, we already have Marklin, Peco and MTL. Former newcomers were clever enough to offer new stuff as an entry into Z scale market (FR Models, AZL, Intermountain, Full Throttle, etc), letting them establish themselves into the market.

    My concern would be Atlas' sales figures lower than expected due to market congestion, so they would say "let's remain outside of this f¥{£in' non-selling Z scale" and give up.

  5. strummer

    strummer TrainBoard Member

    I don't have any experience with Z scale flex, but I'll bet if the Atlas stuff is good, there will be plenty of demand for it...

    Mark in Oregon
  6. Curn

    Curn TrainBoard Member

    I'm looking forward to Atlas coming to the Z market. I hope there will be roadbed-less turnouts too. Atlas has been in the business for so long I'm sure they have a statistics that say for every foot of track sold, you will sell X feet of locomotives/rolling stock. Seems like a smart way to gauge demand. For me, I think I have about 2 feet of train for every foot of track.
  7. markm

    markm TrainBoard Supporter

    I really hope that Atlas does get into Z scale. But I really can't get excited about 2 seconds of video of a heavily painted track. There is simply no information there. If the piece started with "Atlas is proud to announce their code 55 super-flex track for Z. Available in wood and concrete ties..."
    that would attract my attention.

    I'm actually surprised that their first step into Z would be track. As Curn pointed out 2 ft. of train per ft. of track: it's far more profitable to produce a foot of train than a foot of track. Of course the possibility exists that the track is acquired technology.
  8. Thieu

    Thieu TrainBoard Member

    Märklin, MTL Rohukan, Peco, it seems to me that there is enough to be found these days. I would however welcome some Z-scale cars and trucks. Think that those would sell better?
  9. Loren

    Loren TrainBoard Supporter

    Considering the big "IF" Atlas does all things smartly and correctly, including tie spacing, color of ties, amount of flexibility, but most importantly the length of the track pieces, then I will moan "why oh why couldn't they have come out with this product years ago and saved me a lot of soldering?"
    Roadbedless turnouts would be wonderful too. If the product looks like Peter Wright's then that will sell well. Again, I may end up moaning that it could have been much sooner. Oh well, maybe Atlas will have enough vision and forward thinking, plus deep pockets to develop other Z products. This could end up being a great shot in the arm for scale. Here's hoping............
  10. HoboTim

    HoboTim TrainBoard Supporter

    If Atlas' new Z scale flex track is the same length as the N and HO, I am game.

    Also, anybody ever thought to gauge Z scale rail other than David K Smith?????

    Food for thought, Common Z scale rail and the Flange Depth of Z scale Wheels is extremely oversized!!!!!

    Hobo Tim
  11. Loren

    Loren TrainBoard Supporter

    A post script..........This might end up being just the thing to make me want to do a small, easily transportable BYOZ layout to take to shows since I've retired from modular participation.
  12. gatrhumpy

    gatrhumpy TrainBoard Member

    I'll wait until they actually announce something.
  13. Doug A.

    Doug A. TrainBoard Supporter

    I'm not sure why we have to have a notorized, audited, and authenticated announcement to discuss a product that is legit enough to have a video made of it?

    Per Paul, 24-inch lengths, which isn't what we hoped but still better than MTL. And as surmised...Code 55. But the coolest part: "looking at some additional pieces but nothing far enough to announce right now".
  14. strummer

    strummer TrainBoard Member

    I have some of their code 55 N scale track, and it's very nice. Expecting the same in Z. Large turnouts would be really cool, too.

    All in all, I think this is a big step forward for the scale, and I'm glad to have taken the plunge into Z when I did...:)

    Mark in Oregon
  15. SJ Z-man

    SJ Z-man TrainBoard Member

    Wow, * no one * reviewed the Atlas sample at the NTS show !!!

    Is the tie spacing like MTL or wide like Peco/Märklin/Rokuhan.

    I am assuming the later which means I have to put in a mass MTL order to make sure I have the proper track for my next generation.
  16. strummer

    strummer TrainBoard Member

    I saw a picture from the NTS; think it was on the "Railwire" forum I think.

    Appears to be very similar in tie spacing to their N scale code 55, which I think looks very nice...

    Mark in Oregon
  17. Paul Graf

    Paul Graf TrainBoard Member

    Ties and tie spacing are scale, so it will appear similar to a scaled down N scale code 55 piece.

    bremner and HoboTim like this.
  18. SJ Z-man

    SJ Z-man TrainBoard Member

    Thanks Paul. The N c55 that we use at the Museum is .135" between the ties. So this would be .10" for Z, @ 22" tie centers, very acceptable - PERFECT ! Same as Micro-Trains flex and sectional. Rokuhan, Peco and Märklin are all .13" tie spacing in Z, or about 30" tie centers. This more for European/Asian spacing and modern concrete ties in the US (not what era most modelers and vast majority of current US rail is running on). I'm sure the Nn3 folks will be piling on too !

    Initial orders will be a bit slow, as awareness to your new track will take time. Don't be concerned with the 20 or so common posters on TB, Railwire, Z Central Station and Yahoo's Z_Scale groups. There are a helluva a lot of Z modellers out there that aren't forum users (the shows and volume of product sold by AZL, Micro-Trains and Rokuhan are a good basis) and many of us have larger layouts that need flex for all track work. If you've never been to Altenbeken (Germany Z scale meet every 2 years), you see a hall the size of Great Train Show size - with just Z layouts, modules, dioramas, manufacturers and vendors. Many model the US.

    I'll put some samples and signage out at these traveling shows. ZoCal Z will need some too as they do upwards of 10 shows a year down in So California.

    Now, if we just had turnouts . . . ( i.e. we don't use sectional / fake roadbed track !!! )
    HoboTim likes this.
  19. Curn

    Curn TrainBoard Member

    Z.Hobo Facebook page has a photo showing the price. MRSP of Atlas flex was shown as $5.95 per 24 inch section. MTL sells 125 inches (10 x 12.5" ) for $55.60 MRSP. Per inch:

    Atlas: $5.95 / 24 = ~$0.25 per inch
    MTL: $55.60 / 125 = ~$0.44 per inch

    Make some turnouts and you are going to sell alot of track.
    Kez likes this.
  20. Paul Graf

    Paul Graf TrainBoard Member

    We have been happy with the response we have received thus far at the N Scale and NMRA conventions, as well as feedback from various places. The Z Track magazine with the ad has just hit, so that should also help, and the official order form should be going out to our dealers and distributors today.

    There are turnouts in the future, but nothing far enough along to announce a what or when just yet.

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