Is this even possible?

Sierra117 Feb 21, 2012

  1. Sierra117

    Sierra117 TrainBoard Member

    I have an Athearn (or possibly Roundhouse, I got it used and no box) 2-8-0 (N scale) that I would like to put a TSU-750 MicroTsunami in and I am wondering if it's even possible? I just picked it up and from the looks of it, all the power pickup and the motor is all in the tender and a drive shaft runs from the tender to the loco to drive it. If anyone has done this or know of anyone who has, can you please point me in the direction of some instructions? Thanks in advance!!
  2. woodone

    woodone TrainBoard Member

    I think this is one of impossable sound installs.
    I have done several with DCC (non sound) and there is very little room. The TSU-750 is large when compared to a TSC Z-2 decoder which is what I used in the installs that I have done.
    Even if you got the decoder to fit, where would you put a speaker and the capaciator?
  3. Sierra117

    Sierra117 TrainBoard Member

    I have not a clue. I was hoping that someone in the forums had done one and had some genius idea of how to do it. I guess I will have to be satisfied with a regular non-sound conversion.
  4. Alan C.

    Alan C. TrainBoard Member

    ---- If and when you decide that it IS impossible you could always put a dedacated boxcar behind the engine and install the decoder in there. Just a thought 071510_14441.jpg
  5. r_i_straw

    r_i_straw Mostly N Scale Staff Member

    Yeah, that is what I would do. More room, easier install and possibly a larger speaker for better sound.

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