Hey HO guys !?!?

Candy_Streeter Dec 22, 2011

  1. Mike VE2TRV

    Mike VE2TRV TrainBoard Member

    Amen to that! This is a friendly lot and I like that. Being friendly keeps people in. Being grouchy and insulting, well... you get my drift.
  2. YoHo

    YoHo TrainBoard Supporter

    It's also a competent group that generally has interesting things to talk about. I don't mind the slow days, since when things are posted, it's good stuff.

    Also, I've pointed this out before, and I implied it above, but the N scalers (and the z scalers for what it's worth) are far far more likely to post threads that belong in a different forum (layout design, DCC, Inspection Pit) in the N scale forum rather than the appropriate place.) It's all part of the complex. They either linked directly to the N scale forum and so miss out on the rest of the place, or they just feel they need to be in that forum.

    I've gently chided over the years about it, maybe I need to start acting more hurt about what jerks they're being. :D
  3. subwayaz

    subwayaz TrainBoard Member

    Candy I have thought the same sometimes, however when attending most Train Conventions you soon realize that it is mostly a online thing. N Scalers seem to be online more in my opinion
    But there are still more HO hobbyist
  4. Tracy McKibben

    Tracy McKibben TrainBoard Member

    Whenever I post something here, some new landscaping progress or a new scratchbuild, I know that I'll get a response from the same handful of people, and it's the same people that I see active throughout the HO forum. It does seem like the majority of the "little" people stick to their forums and never venture out into the larger world.
  5. rg5378

    rg5378 TrainBoard Member

    Just imagine what the OO, and TT, guys feel!
  6. Tracy McKibben

    Tracy McKibben TrainBoard Member

    Probably the same as us, more or less... :tb-tongue:
  7. DragonFyreGT

    DragonFyreGT TrainBoard Member

    How about T and NN People who are non-existant here?
  8. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    There is actually some T chat here. It seems to be mixed in with the Z forum. NN? As in N narrow gauge? We do have some guys doing that on occasion- In the N scale and narow gauges forums.
  9. HOexplorer

    HOexplorer TrainBoard Supporter

    Candy, I've started out in Z. Went to N. Now I'm doing HO. The thing I found perplexing as well was where are the HO modelers? (talkers/posters) After 8 months I still can't find them. I'm not at all a believer in exclusive HO modelers reading the N scale posts. That's just too weird a thought now that I'm in HO. Most of the HO guys are old-timers that have dinked around the scale since WWII. Maybe they are just not computer saavy? Another lame excuse I hear from HO'ers is, "I'm too busy modeling." Really?? Let me get on my taller boots. Anyway, I've looked for the HO modelers and a decent site for HO and I have not found it. They just don't seem to be anywhere. Jim
  10. YoHo

    YoHo TrainBoard Supporter

    HO modelers aren't older. I know plenty of young people in HO.

    It's just that all modelers skew older and their are more HO modelers.

    As I said, HO has magazines with good dedication to the scale, tons of rolling stock and engines, sound. I think from the point of view of what generate the most "questions" on sites like this, there is less of a need.

    Personally, I don't have a layout right now, just a club and I have more time to sneak a post in here or there than I do writing a blog or long posts.

    And I spend a lot of time up in the prototype fora and in the Inspection pit, so I don't JUST post down here.

    All I can recommend is don't wait for others, start the posting yourself and get things rolling.
  11. DragonFyreGT

    DragonFyreGT TrainBoard Member

    I didn't mean NN, I meant ZZ. I totally screwed that up. ZZ is 1:300

    Not to get off topic here, but T-Scale is small enough to be a Garden Railroad on a G-Scale Layout :)
  12. JNXT 7707

    JNXT 7707 TrainBoard Member

    Candy - us HO scalers are too busy with our layouts to hang out online 24/7 :tb-biggrin:
  13. JNXT 7707

    JNXT 7707 TrainBoard Member

    But seriously - just looking at the daily posts you would think it's 90% N-scalers here. And as a relative newcomer to the board, I have to admit at times it seems a little Intimating? don't know if that's the word I want to use.
    I do wonder why there's not more HO posts. As a newcomer I tend to listen more than I post, trying to learn - but I chime in if I have anything to contribute. Even the N-scale posts, especially regarding scenery - can be transposed to larger scale. Maybe it's because there is so much new stuff to learn in N-scale - it has only been in recent years that it's popularity has seemed to take off.
  14. Candy_Streeter

    Candy_Streeter TrainBoard Member

    I agree that some N scale threads are of value to other scales but not all. Some are so scale specific that they are useless to us.
  15. r_i_straw

    r_i_straw Mostly N Scale Staff Member

    I model in both HO and N scale, however I do spend more time on the N scale forum. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I am a moderator over there and it is part of my job to keep those rowdy folks in line. ;)
    But seriously, I usually look at all new topics in all the scales and all the prototype railfan forums.
  16. alocsin

    alocsin TrainBoard Member

    I hear you, Candy. Seems like at the last train meet I went too, N-scale booths and layouts outnumbered HO. But I'm HO.

    But I'd read somewhere that the fastest growing segment was G. I can understand why. Given my rapidly aging eyesight, the large scale trains are just a lot easier to see!
  17. CNW 1518

    CNW 1518 TrainBoard Member

    Yeah I'm 24.. def probably younger than most of you guys.
  18. friscobob

    friscobob Staff Member

    Funny, I thought ZZ was "that lil' ole band from Texas"................as in ZZTop.

    OK, I'll shut up & slink away now............
  19. DragonFyreGT

    DragonFyreGT TrainBoard Member


    Haha. Here have a cookie!
  20. Ironhorseman

    Ironhorseman April, 2018 Staff Member In Memoriam

    Yoho ... I used to belong to the Roseville club when it was located upstairs in one of the exhibition halls in the Placer Co. Fairgrounds. Is "Smokey" still active with it? He can build the most wonderful, proto-typical looking turnouts I have ever seen. He showed me how he did it, but I still can't seem to get the points to look as good as his no matter how many I have built over the years! :eek:/ If he's still there, please telll him Bill Killion, (the old Calif. Hwy Patrolman) says hello. Thanks.

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