Bachmann 0-6-0 Switcher new version

fatalxsunrider43 Dec 21, 2010

  1. fatalxsunrider43

    fatalxsunrider43 TrainBoard Member

    Today I received one of the new Bachmann "N" 0-6-0 Steam Switcher. This is a very much improved Locomotive over the versions of the past. It looks drastically better, runs 100% better than previous releases. And... it runs on Atlas Code 55 track without any problems. critical as I have been on Bachmann "N" models in the past, I have to give this a very high rating. Well deserved. Bachmann seems to be
    really trying to turn the corner on their bad reputation of the past. This new 0-6-0 is proof of their efforts to improve.

  2. GarrettSE

    GarrettSE TrainBoard Member

    Wow, I see them online for like 45$. Not bad, do they have them in DCC Equipped and are they DCC Ready? I Want one now./
  3. fatalxsunrider43

    fatalxsunrider43 TrainBoard Member

    I was able to bid my way into one for about 1/2 that. I think it is strictly DC, but there might be some room in that Tender or, bring a larger Tender on line with DCC
    components installed. Either way, it has gone from loser to winner without any question in my appraisal.


    Message me for Vendor info if needed.
  4. BarstowRick

    BarstowRick TrainBoard Supporter

    You aren't alone.

    The Bachmann, I cut my teeth on...earned their own reputation, all by themselves.

    What bothers me about this 0-6-0 is you bid for this? This concerns me because so many modelers are getting rid of their older equipment, at prices that just aren't acceptable and this could easily be an original. You will know in time.

    I highly recommend buying the new stuff and doing so from either a respected Internet Hobby provider or a trusted LHS.

    My compliments to Bachmann. The new owners and management are making a concerted effort to improve the Bachmann line. For this I'm thankful.

    Glad to hear they've improved the 0-6-0. Ahh, that is if they have?

    Enjoy your loco.
  5. Westfalen

    Westfalen TrainBoard Member

    But be careful you do get a new one, these engines have been around since Adam started in N scale so there could be a quite bit of old stock sitting on dealers shelves and websites.
  6. fatalxsunrider43

    fatalxsunrider43 TrainBoard Member

    Thanks Rick ! This is definetly the newest version, I know the difference well now after asking about it here, Spook etc. I made sure I was well educated on it before purchasing. This is much different than the older version which I sold for almost nothing recently. The seller is one of the biggest sellers of NEW Bachmann items on the bay and an authorized Bachmann distributor. The packaging on the new items is very distinguishable from the old White Packaging with Foam holder. And, the way it runs is too a firm indicator that it is the newest version. It runs very, very nice. There are deals to be had and what would have cost me a minimum of $60.00 or more at my LHS cost me a Jackson and low cost shipping. Now thats a deal that cannot be beat.

  7. GarrettSE

    GarrettSE TrainBoard Member

    PM me the seller, I think I bought a lot of my Bachmann from him. 4 DCC Equipped GP38s in HO and 2 N scale locos too.
  8. skipgear

    skipgear TrainBoard Member

    That loco has been out in that form for almost 5 years now. I have 5-6 of these now (lost count). They are a great loco, it has just taken people this long to realize it.

    Adding one of the all wheel spectrum tenders to takes them from good to almost great status.
  9. fatalxsunrider43

    fatalxsunrider43 TrainBoard Member

    PLEASE ??????

    You PM me, and then I'll let you know it

  10. Cajonpassfan

    Cajonpassfan TrainBoard Supporter

    Guys, I could use some help here, cause I'm confused...:(

    I just purchased a "new and improved" Bachmann 0-6-0 with a slopeback tender (Bachmann #50598 as shown on their website) from an apparently reputable Ebay seller. I learned to my dismay that it doesn't come with the all wheel tender pickup that the SAME tenders, available separately from Bachmann, have. What am I missing here? Is Bachmann producing a newer version of the loco and I got an outdated version, or is this their latest and the new tenders are just a separate item? My engine has Rapido couplers for god's sake....something doesn't quite make sense here.

    Appreciate any knowledgeable feedback.
    Regards, Otto
  11. skipgear

    skipgear TrainBoard Member

    They do not come with the all wheel pickup tender. In stock form, they only have pickup on the front truck of the tender. Adding the all wheel tender really smooths them out but I have quite a few that I haven't converted yet that run just fine stock. Don't panic, put it on the track and let it run. They need some break in time to run their best.

    The absolute latest versions will have Bachmann's dummy knuckle coupler on them. I haven't seen a batch with the working coupler yet. Just because it has a rapido coupler on it is not a big deal though. These were revamped about 3-4 years ago, before Bachmann had totaly switched to knuckles in some form or another. I'm guessing you got them from favorite spot. Much of his stock is older stuff Bachmann is trying to move although he has been getting more and more current releases.
  12. Cajonpassfan

    Cajonpassfan TrainBoard Supporter

    Thanks for your thoughts Tony, just what I thought... the loco runs fine and I will work around it. I just do not understand what the new all wheel pickup Bachman slopeback tenders come with... why would Bmann offer them as a stand alone item while selling locos with the old tender???? The tender shell is different, too; clunky handrails etc. Seems odd.

    I actually want to convert mine to an 1942 US Army USRA knock-off; 80 were built after Pearl Harbor for use on military installations around the country. The 4006 served at the Ono Army Quartemaster Camp at the base of Cajon Pass here in California. The main differences between it and the original USRA version is the front mounted pump, smokebox doors and the cab, along with a square, fuel oil tender.
    This is fun!
    Regards, Otto
  13. Cajonpassfan

    Cajonpassfan TrainBoard Supporter

    Oh, one more question:
    just how hard is it to insulate the motor from the loco frame for DCC conversion?
  14. skipgear

    skipgear TrainBoard Member

    The spectrum tenders came after the revamp of the 0-6-0. You won't see them with the new tenders until they decide to revamp the 0-6-0 once again. The thing that bugs me the most about them is that the slope back is the wrong tender for the 0-6-0. The 0-6-0 is a very good rendition of a USRA 0-6-0, once you get the thick paint off of it. USRA 0-6-0's didn't come with a slope back tender and I have yet to see a picture with one. They either had the short USRA or a clear view tender of some sort (cut down or narrowed bunker). Putting the proper tender behind them doesent require them to use a spectrum tender, just swap the one from the 2-6-2 on to it. The 2-6-2 is total fantasy anyhow, might as well put the slope back behind that instead.

    It shouldn't be hard at all to convert one to DCC. It's split frame, just insulate the contact tabs or grind them away. Take your frame pick up from the tender, run two wires forward for the motor, done. You may want to add a headlight but that will take a little more creativity.
  15. Cajonpassfan

    Cajonpassfan TrainBoard Supporter

    Yeah, thanks Tony, just a little creativity...:)
    The last one is mine, at Camp Ono, cca 1947.
    No slopebacks here...

    Attached Files:

  16. Nimo

    Nimo TrainBoard Member

    I have a Bachmann 0-6-0 (definitely old item since I bought it in 2006) that has been a pain in my back for all these years and finally I've decided to put that on the shelf permanently - it's not even a in a condition to be sold to someone else. But I'd love to have a 0-6-0 for my layout because I really like steam switchers, and if their new productions are better than before, I would like to try... I wouldn't worry much about rapido or dummy knuckle couplers because anyway I will have to convert them to working, magnetic knuckle couplers.

    One question though, the one that I have doesn't have any headlight... does the new one offer at least a headlight, if not directional?
  17. John Moore

    John Moore TrainBoard Supporter

    Nice to hear that the newer version is a better runner. Now maybe I'll spring for one provided that I have a left over slopeback with pick-up. Or I'll just wait until the loco is released with tender pick-up. Can't see buying a loco then having to buy a tender. Being retired now means that I have to watch the modeling budget a little more. Three out of my modeled roads had the 0-6-0 with the slopeback and probably the 4th also. The standard shell utilised for the 2-6-2 and 0-6-0 locos are reasonably generic to be used for a number of roads and are close to mine with the exception of the GN.
  18. brokemoto

    brokemoto TrainBoard Member

    I would expect to see it released with an on-board decoder and the tender in the SPECTRUM configuration. To hear the vendors tell it, this thing sells well. A decoder just ain't gonna' work on the tender in its current configuration. At that point, the aesthetic improvements would still be up to the modeller. B&O modellers would buy the 'prairie', remove the idler trucks, remove the shell, make improvements similar to what Skipgear made and change the number, as the number on the B-mann B&O 'prairie' is incorrect for a B&O USRA 0-6-0. In fact, a prairie is incorrect for the B&O; it ain't never had none .

    Modellers of other roads can buy the appropriate version and do what they feel necessary.
  19. NikkiB

    NikkiB TrainBoard Member

    Yeah, Tony is quite right. These have been around for a bit, but they perform quite well. I recommend them for yard shuffling and such.
  20. NikkiB

    NikkiB TrainBoard Member

    Didn't one of CUT's 0-6-0's have a slope back?

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