The New Oakville Sub

Jim Reising Jun 23, 2008

  1. Jim Reising

    Jim Reising In Memoriam

    Mavrick0, I had a spot on one of the staging tracks where, for whatever reason, there was a bump in the track at a joint. I suspect it was track from the old layout that had a vertical curve that didn't go away.

    The Kato-found issue was essentially the same thing except on one of the mains and not at a joint - it was about a foot in from the end of a stick. These should of course have been spotted during tracklaying but weren't.

    Simply cutting out the affected part, and some on either side cured the problems. in each case there are now two joints where there had been one.
  2. Jim Reising

    Jim Reising In Memoriam

    Vacation is over and we had lots of progress at Oakville this week.


    Here you see completed benchwork in the main room with the temporary loop gone.

    Additionally, I had some time stolen by AOL's closing their web storage, where I stored all my photos. Those for this thread are now at Photobucket, which I am liking a lot - much easier to use. But what a hassle changing the location!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2008
  3. Jim Reising

    Jim Reising In Memoriam

    The double track portion of the new Oakville Sub is complete!

    Here's the main room - there are three long trains visible. Now imagine mountains....

    And here's the north room. The train is coming off the temporary return loop. I was able to re-use the loop from the main room. Where the loop begins will be the yard throat and where the main splits off to loop around the yard.

    Finally here's my rolling workbench - configured here for track laying and wiring. Give it an extension cord and it can follow you anywhere! It's a real help to have everything you need in one place.
  4. jagged ben

    jagged ben TrainBoard Member

    I'm amazed at how fast you work Jim.

    I'm also jealous...:D
  5. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    No kidding! And such a CLEAN work area! You should have seen the mess I had after a few days of terrain forming...:tb-embarrassed:
  6. CSXDixieLine

    CSXDixieLine Passed Away January 27, 2013 In Memoriam

    Yes, I agree...these photos have obiously been Photoshopped! :) Just kidding of course, great looking as always. With your mainline in I am now expecting the ME concrete tie flextrack to start being in stock again in all the hobby shops. :) :) Jamie
  7. Jim Reising

    Jim Reising In Memoriam

    Thanks, guys! And thanks to Trainboarder Doug Andreason I had enough to finish with one stick of track left over!

    And you may recall I phoned ME to check on the status of the concrete tie track, it was due to be produced just about yes, it should begin to be available soon. I gotta tell ya, I REALLY like the stuff!

    Although I have Photoshop, and know how to use it, I just like to keep the area fairly neat while I'm working in it. If that means I have to hit it with the mop once a day, so be it. It's just too large an area to let get dirty.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2008
  8. Triplex

    Triplex TrainBoard Member

    The great backdrops create the illusion that you're farther along than you are. This is going to be good...
  9. GaryHinshaw

    GaryHinshaw TrainBoard Member

    Splendid, impressive, and ditto what everyone else said! I always look forward to your updates. You must be a very focused worker.

  10. Jim Reising

    Jim Reising In Memoriam

    Those backgrounds were a royal pain to install when I wanted to be running trains, but the time and money were well spent - as was finishing the space. It makes all the difference in the world to have a nice clean comfortable place to work and to have the constant inspiration of those backgrounds...

    And I certainly HOPE it will be good. Jerry DeBene and I seem to be thinking along similar lines, i.e. photo realistic scenes.

    We may be seeing something shortly as I think I will do some scenery on the main room peninsula next....I have a few ideas...

    I guess you could call it that, Gary. I simply do what I enjoy doing, and building this is what I enjoy doing! I'm also a multi-tasker, and that certainly helps. I can be doing something else around the house while my mind is feverishly working on a layout issue. It always amazes me how sometimes the solution can literally pop into your head after hours of low-level thought!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2008
  11. Jim Reising

    Jim Reising In Memoriam

    After receiving compliments on my fast work, naturally things slowed down. But after a lot of testing, I'm back on track and building mountains. Here's the first cardboard strips delineating the mountains on the main room peninsula:

    And the completed lattice for this section:

    Finally, the plaster-soaked paper towels are applied. When this is nice and dry, I'll begin overlaying with joint compound.


    I hope to get earth colored paint on this section before I have to begin putting up Christmas decorations - takes about three weeks!
  12. MRL

    MRL TrainBoard Member

    Wow your backdrop looks very convincing! I like it a lot!!!:tb-cool:
  13. jsoflo

    jsoflo TrainBoard Member

    I eagerly check in on your new posts, as a distant observer I must tell you that its a lot of fun to watch that gorgeous layout and room go together,thanks!
    my best,
  14. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Like the Geico commercial--"Impressive, Green One!".... All ya need is a few tunnels to line that peninsula with....:D
  15. Jim Reising

    Jim Reising In Memoriam

    Hemi, in my world the UP finally daylighted the remaining tunnels and double tracked the entire line from Bakersfield to Mojave (Not so far off when you consider what Big New Santa Fe did at Cajon).

    Even where my track goes underground to the staging area it will be done with an S curve, no tunnel visible. (I only hope I can pull that one off....)

    Thanks, guys! And I, too, like the background more and more. It was worth it. (Not sure I'd ever say that!)
  16. Jim Reising

    Jim Reising In Memoriam

    Time for another update. I repaired the earthquake damage from last week (see the web site:) and put a coat of paint on. Unfortunately the texture was eggshell, and although it dried a bit less shiny than these pictures, I'll have to cover it with some flat. But this was what I had available. Here's the overall view:

    [​IMG] And now a profile looking west:


    Last, it wasn't long before I was running trains again...looking southeast:


    That's pretty much all the heavy stuff until after the holidays. I may experiment with scenery, however, and get some cover on the bare mountains. At least that's not quite as messy as working with plaster and joint compound. If I get the time, I'll update further.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!
  17. CSXDixieLine

    CSXDixieLine Passed Away January 27, 2013 In Memoriam

    Jim, Looking splendid! As always when replying to your progress reports, I have to come up with a new adjective so I don't seem repetitive :) BTW on a related note, my LHS has two bundles of ME c55 concrete tie flex track, so I will be going back real soon to real all of your excellent commentary on how you did your track. Jamie
  18. greatdrivermiles

    greatdrivermiles TrainBoard Member

    Where is your site now? your sig still points to the home town site.
  19. Jim Reising

    Jim Reising In Memoriam

    Jamie, I'll tell you whatever you need to know, gladly. And I can report that it's easy to go back in if a fix is needed - with the cooler weather I've had a bubble or two - which is weird - I thought it would contract, but perhaps the moisture is coming out of the wood and masonite and causing contraction - but whatever, any needed repairs have been ridiculously simple.

    Do feel free to PM or email me.

    Greatdrivermiles, what you see here, the freehosting site, has been on my sig for over a month now, ever since AOL made the announcement...and just as a point of interest, I have paid to ensure there is no advertising with the pictures, hopefully to give those visiting a more positive experience.

    I don't know where you found the hometown sig, I thought I'd changed everything...
  20. jagged ben

    jagged ben TrainBoard Member

    Jim, you need to change the actual've only changed the text for the links. If you click on those links, they still take you to the old AOL page. Pretty misleading. (We can copy and paste the freehosting link, though.)

    Try deleting the link entirely and starting over.

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