Osborn Models

in2tech Jun 27, 2022

  1. in2tech

    in2tech TrainBoard Member

    Now you tell me :) Actually it's looks fine from normal viewing distance. I really, really, like it :) Especially for my first one. Now the landing gear will probably break again. I'll figure something out? I'll take a break and work on the Cessna 172 next, and at some point see how many picnic tables make it.
  2. in2tech

    in2tech TrainBoard Member

    Apparently I lied about trying to put together the Osborn Picnic tables. First one a success :) I got really luck the car stops are perfect for the jig,

    IMG_2121.jpg IMG_2122.jpg IMG_2123.jpg

    Now how more make it out of the six, is the question. I hope all of them. So I out the Top of the table between the two 3D printed car stops. The pull them together till the top lines up, and then tape down with painters tape the car stops. Place the jig on top, drop the table legs down, and it is perfect height for gluing legs to table top. One dry after applying white glue, remove tape, stand on legs, you have to adjust it a bit, then apply benches.

    I was so nervous doing this :) Well, not really nervous but my hands were shaking, old age? But it looks great. The thing that freaks me out is cutting them out of the sprue.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2022
  3. in2tech

    in2tech TrainBoard Member

    Two down, four to go :) Taking a break, man these things are hard to put together. Just have to be so careful, but my jig along with the provided jig is working out great! Next time maybe the dime thing?

  4. in2tech

    in2tech TrainBoard Member

    Time to start the Osborn Cessna 172 :) Can you tell I am enjoying the Osborn kits?

    IMG_2126.jpg IMG_2128.jpg

    Got smart this time and painted some pieces while still on the sprue :) And also applied some decals too. Should be done son except the landing gear. Oh man, the landing gears are rough on these aircraft, so tiny and fragile.


    Getting close. Propeller and of course the fragile landing gear another time :) Hope this one doesn't break too? Amazing the household items to find to use. This one being used to weight down wing as glue dries :)

    Last edited: Jul 15, 2022
    Pfunk, DeaconKC, Hytec and 4 others like this.
  5. in2tech

    in2tech TrainBoard Member

    Alright done with the Osborn aircraft. And landing gear too!

    IMG_2131.jpg IMG_2137.jpg IMG_2138.jpg
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2022
  6. Martin Station

    Martin Station TrainBoard Member

    in2tech, how did the landing gear for the 172 go? I just wanted to let you know that Cessna made a retractable gear 172 call a Cutlass. The avaition company that I used to work for owned one for a time. If you have trouble with the landing gear, I'm sure you can find photos of a Cutlass in flight and paint the main gear retracted. The nose gear had gear doors that would be closed and easy to outline with maybe a thin line marker or Sharpie. If you could find a thin piece of wire, maybe you could insert one end in the bottom of the plane and the other in the base of your layout and have it in flight.
    I have really enjoyed your sharing your builds with us. I now have the courage to try the picnic tables and at least one Cessna 172. I have alredy done the shipping pallets and they came out really nice.
    Edit: For some reason the photos of your finished models didn't load on my computer until I already posted the above and I see the Cessna 172 came out excellent!!! (as did the Piper Cub and everything else) Great work(y)
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2022
    in2tech likes this.
  7. in2tech

    in2tech TrainBoard Member

    Thanks, I actually enjoyed all the builds. Still have 4 more picnic table to assemble, taking a break. Also broke one side of the back landing gear on the 172, but it is straight and repaired it. My paint jobs are not the best, but at normal viewing they look really good. The thing about the picnic tables is they are extremely brittle, and figuring out you own jig to go with the jig :) The 3D printed car stops were a perfect height for me. Be sure and post pictures here when you build them.

    When you insert, after much sanding, the alignment blocks for the Cessna 172, first insert it in the Thicker piece once you get it sanded to work. It shows putting in the thinner and more brittle piece first, but I did not on the second one. I broke the propeller and one landing leg, but got lucky and repaired them both to make them work.

    Good luck, gonna order some more Piper Cubs & Cessna's in the future. Looking for something different to get too. I really like these Osborn kits for the price.

    Oh I meant to say I really, really, like the decals they provide, makes all the difference in the world, and fairly easy to apply too. I also know now to paint items while on the sprue as well as apply decals. Much easier, I would have never been able to apply decals on wheel skirts on the 172 if not done while on the sprue.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2022
    Martin Station and DeaconKC like this.
  8. Martin Station

    Martin Station TrainBoard Member

    Thanks, those tips will come in handy.
    in2tech likes this.
  9. in2tech

    in2tech TrainBoard Member

    Osborn Picnic tables on my YT channel!

    mtntrainman and Martin Station like this.
  10. Shortround

    Shortround Permanently dispatched

    Thanks for the show. Maybe you should have used tweezers to put the legs into the slots. Now to just paint them the green usually seen in parks here.
    in2tech likes this.
  11. in2tech

    in2tech TrainBoard Member

    Yeah I do use Tweezers as well as my Magnifying glasses, just couldn't while holding phone for video :) BTW, it was funny I was looking for the other legs and in the video it is obvious they are right there in front of me. But I couldn't see them when taking the video :)
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2022
    Shortround and mtntrainman like this.

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