New messages counter being weird?

Pastor John May 24, 2022

  1. Pastor John

    Pastor John TrainBoard Member

    Maybe it's forum software, or Tapatalk, or maybe it's me. But has anyone else noticed that the alert counter that shows "new" messages is showing a much higher never than it should?

    Even after reading messages, and marking everything as read, several times, over several days, the counter keeps resetting at the next login to show a whole bunch of posts that I already read.

    Is this happening to anyone else?

    Sent from my SM-A716U using Tapatalk
  2. Shortround

    Shortround Permanently dispatched

    If by marking them as read, how do you do that? If it's by reading them then yes it's always been that way. So I generally don't bother looking at those.
  3. Pastor John

    Pastor John TrainBoard Member

    First, what I'm talking about is the "Alerts" notification on the upper right of the top black bar.

    On a PC, you only need to click the word Alerts, it shows you the list of new messages that you have a) subscribed to or b)people liked a post you wrote, or c) someone quoted a post that you wrote. Once you've clicked on "Alerts" the counter resets to zero (usually).

    On Tapatalk, there is a number superimposed on a bell icon in the upper bar. That number is the number of alerts of the types described earlier. Clicking the bell icon brings up one of two lists. "You" are the posts described in b) and c) above and "Subscriptions" are like a)... subscriptions. Typically, new alerts appear on that list with a blue bar on the left margin. Once you click and open them, the blue bar disappears (for that post only) and the counter over the bell icon decreases by one. BUT, if you want to mark ALL of them as read (and erase all of the blue bars), you can click the checkmark just below the top bar (across from, and level with, the words "You" and "Subscriptions."

    I say "typically" and "normally" because a) lately it doesn't always remember that you've already read them, and b) because it often doesn't remember that you've already read them on a different platform, meaning that just because I read all of the messages in my alerts on mobile, doesn't mean that I won't get the same alerts when I get to my PC, or vice-versa, or for that matter, if I log in from a different PC (say my home PC instead of my work laptop).

    I'm rather accustomed to the platform specific memory issue, but the last few days, it seems to, occasionally, completely forget the last several days, and show me an indication that I have 40 or so messages, when the real number is probably less than 10.

    Does that help any?
  4. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    It's not us. "Tapatalk" is an app not directly affiliated with TrainBoard. Now and then there will be an issue noted, but we unable to do anything about such an event.
  5. Pastor John

    Pastor John TrainBoard Member


    Sent from my SM-A716U using Tapatalk

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