MODELING It's Friday, April 30th 2021: Weekend Modeling Plans

Jim Wiggin Apr 30, 2021

  1. Jim Wiggin

    Jim Wiggin Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Welcome back everyone to that Gateway to the weekend. I hope you are ready for May because it arrives tomorrow. May is my favorite time of year for many reasons but the start of Train show season is the biggest. The jury is still out if Galesburg RR Days will come back this year but we are all hopping. Let's get started.

    Saturday: Well since it is the last Friday of the month, I have the Athearn Live feed but as soon as that is done, I'm on my way to the Cornfield FreeMo event in McLean. Steve and I have our NTrak modules set up and we will be finishing up set up tonight. Saturday is a day of running trains, recruiting new members and having fun.

    Sunday: Day two. I'm hoping we will know about Galesburg as the decision is supposed to come on Saturday. Steve and I are planning on setting up with NTrak and my City Job so we are hopeful. The day will end with tear down, lessons learned, hopefully new club members and a dinner with our ever so patient wives. Should be a great weekend.

    So how about you? What do you have planned? Let us know. We'll assemble again on Monday, May 3rd to see how we all did. Until then, have a great weekend, stay safe, be healthy and as always...

    High Greens!
  2. Tompm

    Tompm TrainBoard Supporter

    Not sure what we will be doing around the house and yard this weekend. Some of depends on how my wife’s sprained ankle feels. There is a list of things to do such as get the couch swing out of the garage and set up in the backyard gazebo, move plants around, buy and plant some plants.

    On the modeling front I would like to run trains since I have the Water Tower Diorama temporarily installed into the new layout. I have the cinder conveyor to build and a water tower to weather. Then there is the engine facility yard and trying to figure out a track plan for it.
  3. dti406

    dti406 TrainBoard Member

    Officially RETIRED as of yesterday.

    Final night of bowling is tonight, it is what we call fun night although all we do is distribute all the money and have a 9 pin no top doubles tournament. I also attended the National USBC virtual convention this past week as a delegate.

    This weekend I hope to paint a couple of cars that I have assembled and get them decaled. Will also be going to the club to run a few trains and comment on modeling.

    Rick Jesionowski
    rch, Mark St Clair, Kitbash and 13 others like this.
  4. Moose2013

    Moose2013 TrainBoard Member

    Congratulations!!! (y)
  5. Philip H

    Philip H TrainBoard Member

    @dti406 - Congrats!

    I hit the big 50 tomorrow, and my second daughter surprised me by driving two days to get home for it. So ALL the kids are here, and my parents are coming over tomorrow. Makes a guy all weepy. So I may run a few trains, but I suspect no actual modeling will occur.
  6. Hardcoaler

    Hardcoaler TrainBoard Member

    Lawn work, lawn work and more lawn work. Ugh -- not my thing. Bought bales of pinestraw yesterday, will begin to spread today.
  7. BoxcabE50

    BoxcabE50 HOn30 & N Scales Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Well, I clicked "Like", but actually wish I could select a button much better suited.... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::D
  8. nscalestation

    nscalestation TrainBoard Supporter

    Phillip and Rick, congratulation on those important life mile posts !

    I will be applying decals to some trailers to populate those flat cars that got finished last weekend. I did receive my bottle of Model Master Gulf Armor Sand so will be re-spraying that batch of vehicles.

    May you all have a great weekend whatever you are doing.
  9. SP-Wolf

    SP-Wolf TrainBoard Supporter

    @dti406 - Outstanding!! Congratulations!!

    I plan to continue working on a long over due freight car project. As well as start working on a friend's 1:48 model T

    Y'all have a spectacular weekend,
  10. Kitbash

    Kitbash TrainBoard Supporter

    Happy, happy Friday all. For the weekend:

    Tomorrow: Herb garden day. The annual prep the herb garden bed so Mrs Kitbash can drop in the basil, and other stuff. That will eat up my morning. In the afternoon, I’ll be working on layout scenery.

    Sunday: More scenery or possibly freight car work. Also will need to clean upthe layout room from last 3 weekends of plaster and ground cover debris.
  11. Mr. Trainiac

    Mr. Trainiac TrainBoard Member

    I'll be at Cornfield too. The Illini Railroad club is bringing five of our modules for the HO layout. We've been re-doing some of the scenery on them, and I just got some of them static-grassed. We tested all the modules last night, so hopefully they work. Between setup and take-down, my weekend is pretty much in McLean too.
  12. gmorider

    gmorider TrainBoard Member

    Interesting posts these. I know I will see some great results when pics are posted. Always do. I may be getting in trouble with Mr. Wiggin. Last post he "set off a friends house". Now they are "all hopping". A group of physically fit bombers sounds intimidating to me.:eek: I learned the hard way that spell check did not catch all my own "phoo-pahs". :rolleyes: Anyway, I keep thinking I am ready to stop drawing and start building the hotel. Now the trouble is "spring fever" and an "innovative idea". One leads me out into the sunshine and the other causes sitting and pondering. However I think by Sunday my nonsense will subside and I will start building (fingers crossed). Have fun. Be safe. (y)
  13. Carl Sowell

    Carl Sowell TrainBoard Supporter

    Congratulations Rick, a real milestone. When I retired I soon questioned if there were enough hours in a day to accomplish all that needed to be handled.

    Well I did not have anything planned for the weekend, so I have been finishing up my well car/container update. So last night I stacked my tray on a pile of other stuff and it proceeded to dump all spine, flat, and well cars onto the floor from approx. 3.5' up. My stupidity will cost me several days as it looks like nearly everyone of 60 cars has lost something, nearly all axles popped out of side frames, oh great my less than favorite part of the hobby.



    At the ripe old age of 80.5, I am tempted to just torch it all and stop playing with trains.

    Be well,
  14. SLSF Freak

    SLSF Freak Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    I've been "drawing" all week trying to design some options for my n scale Metroliner's nose. I'd like to have most variants available, probably starting with a cab car but getting the geometry right on that nose has been tricky. Anyway, this weekend I'd like to print up some tests to see how the parts fit and if this is even a good idea having interchangeable details to do the configurations:


    Cheers -Mike
  15. bremner

    bremner Staff Member


    After being in a funk for the last 6 months, I am starting to want to model again...only to find out that there is another shortage of N Scale track, and due to the pizza cutters on the Tomytec chassis, I need code 80...every time I am about to build a layout....

    I am working on a DPM pawn store...I am going to paint the front white and the other 3 walls brick....
  16. Kevin Anderson

    Kevin Anderson TrainBoard Member

    I need to change out some wheels on my N scale stuff. I have a couple Model
    Power cars I am having difficulty with. I’ve used Athearn welders in the past but for some reason this car don’t want to play. It’s a heavy weight Coach

    Sunday it’s back to working on trees for the 6’ module.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    BoxcabE50, SP-Wolf, Moose2013 and 3 others like this.
  17. Mark St Clair

    Mark St Clair TrainBoard Member

    Congratulations, Rick!
    Moose2013 and Hardcoaler like this.
  18. Mark St Clair

    Mark St Clair TrainBoard Member

  19. Mark St Clair

    Mark St Clair TrainBoard Member

    Sorry folks! I didn't intend to create three posts, but I did. Don't know how to fix it. In any case...

    Carl, sorry for the mishap!

    Spent today cleaning up, sorting and shopping after returning home yesterday.

    Saturday: I hope to make progress on three modeling projects. 1) The Vandy tender needs a "drain channel" added to each side. Not sure if that is the correct term. The prototype has a long piece of angle iron on each side that runs from just under the water hatch to the rear of the tank. It slopes downward from front to rear. It appears to be only 1 or 2 inches wide in photos. I have to admit I don't know for certain what the function is. Anybody else know? 2) I need to change the mating flange between the boiler and firebox for the Mikado. That means modifying the "test" boiler I turned a couple weeks ago. The dimensions aren't right and hope to nail those down before doing a second version. 3) There are a couple "shelves" on the Mikado frame that need to be removed. Going to get that done and cleaned up so I can refine the boiler mount.

    Sunday: We have a soccer match to watch in the morning. My son is planning to join us and we will share some bacon and eggs after the match. Sharon's aunt needs help with her garden, so we are heading there at noon. If I don't get the modeling done on Saturday, it will have to wait for Monday.

    Stay safe,
  20. rch

    rch TrainBoard Member

    Congratulations, Rick!

    Yikes, Carl! I had something like that happen many years ago. Was not fun and I thought about giving up. But eventually I picked up the pieces and put what I could back together. Looks like you've got some damage, but I suspect the vast majority of it can be repaired.

    I got some painting done tonight, so I'm going to try something new and take a couple models on the road with me to apply some decals. Should be something productive to do in the hotel besides watching TV.

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