Train show jackpot!

Keith Dec 10, 2018

  1. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Car does not like the Aristo switches. Was something related to the frog that caused issues.
    Doesn’t know, yet, how it handles the USA switches, as I haven’t run it back yet, to check.
    Hoping to maybe try today pretty quick! If not, I’ll try next time I have time!
  2. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Started the process of replacing the South switch out front.
    Still have work to do. Going to require a fair amount of redesign
    it looks like! The USA switches are 6 inches longer than the Aristo.
    And the diverging route curve is maybe 3 inches longer than the Aristo!
    Will get this one switch in, and leave the rest until AFTER layout tour
    in July, then maybe start working on the rest! That is, if tour goes as scheduled.
    BoxcabE50 likes this.
  3. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Little work today, after I got home from dialysis and had dinner.
    Got my switch almost installed! Still need to make one joint connection.
    And get switch for short siding realigned. May need to move track about
    1/2 inch to get everything aligned right! Then get rails clamped in!
    Next, maybe, might be swapping out the switches the make up the wye,
    to and from the back! Will see what I feel like doing and when!
  4. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Alignment is critical in smaller scales like N, but I don't know how important it is in large scales. I would still err on the side of reliable running and keep alignment as perfect as I could get it.
  5. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    If the gapi needed to close wee much larger, then I’d probably work
    on custom cutting a section of track. With rails clamped in, the whole
    thing moves, and doesn't introduce kinks. The only time I seem to have
    issues with curves, is if track is super elevated the wrong way! And usually
    with my passenger cars only! I’ll be checking things, by running trains, when I’m done.
    Making adjustments if and as necessary.
  6. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Finished getting the South switch clamped in.
    Then, set up and ran the PA with cars when done.
    Pullman still causing issues. But, think that’s because
    of reverse super elevation! Outer rail lower in places, so
    lead wheel of trailing truck derails. A little track work to be done!
    Again, satisfied with results. Knowing what I gotta do to fix the issue.
    And it’s just the Pullman that’s causing the problem! GP30’s are having
    issues, but if I bend the slider shoes up slightly, they work.
  7. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Good to know that N scale PAs are not the only picky locos when it comes to track work.
  8. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    The one I'm curious to try, is gonna be the K-27. See how it handles things!
    Or better yet, the NW-2, with a narrow gauge freight train!
    Think the reason I'm having issues in back, is because switches are NOT level!
    If I get down, and get switches leveled out, I have a feeling that locomotives
    might run better! My NW-2 does NOT snag anything out front, but will in back.
    The GM U-25 still derails. Think I need to find a way to add a bit of weight back to the unit!
    Fuel tank was the weight, and I had to pull it out, to fit speaker.
    Kurt Moose likes this.
  9. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Finished injstall of south switch out front. Today, got spur switch reinstalled.
    Now, just need to reconnect ineer loop and track work is done For now!
    Then, I can work on regrading ballast and releveling track, adding super elevation
    to curves as needed. Helps passenger cars and narrow gauge equipment goes round the curves!

    May be adjusting inner loop out front as well, since I may need to make a slight change in track.
    Gotta see how I feel next week. Couple of days off due to weather. Besides, knees are killing me
    although not as bad as earlier in the week. Hope ballast work goes easier than clamping rail joints!!
    Something so simple, darn near kills me!
  10. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Finished clamping and installing new inner loop section of track this afternoon.
    Took a couple of hours. But, spent rest of the afternoon, running a short train
    on both loops. Other than a minor derail of locomotive on replaced curve, all ran fine.
    Wiggled track slightly, problem solved, for now! Gotta add weight to the Aristo 2 bay
    covered hoppers though! Still need to connect siding in back and get that aligned and
    start working on ballast work. Need to smooth, l;evel, and super elevate track as needed.
    Have to get that done by railroad club layout tour in July!
    bremner and HemiAdda2d like this.
  11. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Sounds like you're making good progress toward improved operations.
  12. bremner

    bremner Staff Member

    You got this
  13. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Spent maybe 30 minutes doing some quick ballast in work.
    Curve that was causing issues, has been partially done!
    Hope to clear the rest of the track, of plants that are trying
    to take over, with Mom tomorrow! Gonna try to do a little
    more ballasting after that. Have a couple of Peanut plants
    growing trackside that have to be removed as well! Darn squirrels!!

    Then, I’m gonna try to run the U25 and my Rio Grande heavyweight
    passenger cars! Maybe they’ll run properly, since super elevation has
    been corrected!Should be ready by July, if I can manage a little work each day.
    Hopefully, without sweating a waterfall, like today!! Humidity isn’t helping!

    Kurt Moose and bremner like this.
  14. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Not much done since last time! But, the Piko
    powered rerailing ramp arrived today!
    Nice! About 12-14 inches long, with an extension
    piece, the same length! Effectively doubling the length
    for large, long, multiwheeled locomotives, and/or cars!
    Should make getting my GP30's on MUCH easier! As well as the PA and MAC.
    Powered, so I can run the locomotives directly from ramp, to the track!
    Will be interesting to try it out. When weather clears up a bit. Severe
    storms possible later tonight.
  15. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Never heard of a powered railing ramp! That's neat! Sounds like some deferred maintenance is getting knocked out, and operations should improve. Pics?
  16. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    No pics at the moment. But, weather permitting, I’ll
    try to get a few updates tomorrow!
  17. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Took camera, U25 and rerailer ramp outside.
    Fully assembled, I almost do NOT have a spot out front to use!
    Both pieces together, ramp in about 30 inches long! I gotta make
    a special spur, just to add locomotive(s) and cars to track I think!

    Took a few photos, only to realize later, I had NO media card in my camera.
    So, no photos! Yet. Found while running, U25 still does NOT like my recently reballasted curve!
    Still derails just before it hits south switch. Don't think the front truck has enough flex in it.
    But, also doesn't help that I had to remove the weight from fuel tank, when I put sound in!
    If I could put different speaker(s) into it, I could add weight back!
  18. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    OK. How about a couple photos of RS3 and rerailer in action??

    Empty rerailer. About 6 inches too long for this section of track!

    Tabs in middle contact rails below. Wheels ride contact strips and apply power to locomotives. Can run right on, or off the rerailer!
    Total length, as seen, about 30 inches overall.

    Here, an RS3, with major FRA violations, shown on ramp. From here, it's as simple as setting direction, and slowly applying power, to let
    locomotive drive itself onto the rails! Think I'm gonna have to build a special spur, just for this thing!
  19. HemiAdda2d

    HemiAdda2d Staff Member TrainBoard Supporter

    Very cool! That RS-3 looks great!
  20. Keith

    Keith TrainBoard Supporter

    Be better, if I can eventually get the handrails back on, and order another horn!
    Was in rather sad shape when I got it! Said it was "Like New". Broken/missing horns and handrails!
    Did find a source for replacement 3D printed horns and handrail stanchions.
    Tried to run it briefly today, but didjn't run worth a darn! Ran great, on curves, but stalled
    on switches and straight sections of track! Gotta get throttle, so I can power it up and clean wheels.

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