DCC++ Update Project 2020

FlightRisk Feb 16, 2020

  1. Paul1361

    Paul1361 TrainBoard Member

    Yes I was just looking at that on github and as I understand it you are using timers to shape the dcc signal. I wonder if another function is stepping on the timing at times. This is why in looking at power districting I am looking to off load it onto a seperate processor.
  2. Atani

    Atani TrainBoard Member

    That is the old code and the timers are not guaranteed to be 100% accurate. I've since shifted over to using the RMT which is more accurate. However, let's not hijack this thread further on the ESP32 code. We can discuss it further elsewhere...
  3. H0Guy

    H0Guy TrainBoard Member

    Keith: I think it is important to list the known limitations and known issues with different Motor Shields so that a individual getting started in DCC++ knows what he is getting into if the use Arduino Clones. I also would not be in favor of "pulling" any Motor Shield that some one has figured out how to work with DCC++.

    As Atani said "If a motor shield does not support current sense it *CAN* be used *BUT* it will require an external current sense solution such as the MAX471". There are many DIYers who want to work on such projects. My main point is that the DCC++ documentation should list the limitations / capabilities of various Motor shields so new modelers know what they are getting into before they buy something and find it doesn't work the way they expected.

    I have tried to get a number of HO modelers interested in DCC++ who had limited or no coding backgrounds and everything has to work very easy and work well or they quickly get frustrated, disinterested and want to go buy a commercial DCC system.

    As far as Auto Reversing, Greg's v1.2.1 version of DCC++ works well with the Tam Valley Auto Reverser (Dual Frog Juicer) without any modifications.

    I haven't looked at Greg's current sensing code in a quite a while and am working on a new laptop that has not been set up for Github or DCC++ yet. I also have not looked at any of the modifications that you guys have been working on. If I remember, Greg's code includes a fair amount of smoothing so as to average out any current sensing noise issues. I also faintly recall that I thought Greg used different smoothing algorithm's in several places in his code and wondered if I was reading the code wrong or if not why he used different algorithms.

    - Larry
    Atani likes this.
  4. Mani

    Mani TrainBoard Member

    Last edited: Mar 10, 2020
  5. Dex

    Dex TrainBoard Member

    Yes I think that is in the works for later features right now I think they are focusing on stability and documentation

    Sent from my Pixel 4 using Tapatalk
    Mani likes this.
  6. Dex

    Dex TrainBoard Member

    Not sure how many of you are paying attention to the Installer Repo but at this time i have a working compiler for ONLY the UNO using the default config settings for BaseStation Classic. The app will download the proper dependencies automagically and then compile and upload to selected comport. I will work on getting Mega and Pololu shield working. As well as Documentation. This is great progress in such a short time. I just need to figure out the python thing and getting it working for PlatformIO. That has become a major challenge for me at this time. I will work on it more soon again PRs are welcome enjoy.
    Sumner and Mani like this.
  7. Sumner

    Sumner TrainBoard Member

    Sounds great. When you are looking for testers I'm willing waiting. Just got a new Uno and motor shield that I want to put dcc++ on for a backup,

  8. Dex

    Dex TrainBoard Member

    Not sure if you know how to compile it. If not I will setup a basic release tomorrow which you would just extract and run the exe the program should do the rest.

    Sent from my Pixel 4 using Tapatalk
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  9. Roger Beschizza

    Roger Beschizza TrainBoard Member

    Same here - ready to go when you say so. R-
  10. Atani

    Atani TrainBoard Member

    It is definitely coming together nicely. I've put a few comments on a couple commits to help you in the right direction on the wiring diagrams, they are not all very simple unfortunately...
  11. Atani

    Atani TrainBoard Member

    We should setup the GitHub Actions to build it on push similar to the other repos. This way there will always be a build available for anyone to download/use. If you can send me the build instructions I can see what is needed to generate a cross-platform build since we can run on Windows, Mac* and Linux from GitHub Actions.

    * will need to confirm Mac.
  12. Sumner

    Sumner TrainBoard Member

    If I did the same to compile it as I did when I setup DCC++ last year I could but I'm really interested in being a tester for what someone that is new to all of this would use. An installer similar to what they use to load other programs onto their computer. A file that they download and then click on and then follow the prompts along with some other basic instructions on connecting the Arduino to their computer. Sounds like you are close to that if I understand correctly :).

    Dex likes this.
  13. FlightRisk

    FlightRisk TrainBoard Member

    Coders Team, are we ready to merge the PR in EX and if so, are those changes going into Classic? Let's finalize Classic and make it a release, then start adding to EX.
    Dex and Sumner like this.
  14. Dex

    Dex TrainBoard Member

    For this it actually compiles the sketch directly and uploads it to specified comport with one click. It also shows the wiring diagram currently from classic once we have updated diagrams I can replace the current ones I will hopefully be able to upload the release that now supports both mega and uno on Arduino motor shield.

    Sent from my Pixel 4 using Tapatalk
    Sumner likes this.
  15. Dex

    Dex TrainBoard Member

    Ok just an update I have more code to push but irl is Killin me. I been sick the past couple days and doing work as I have has taken its toll I will publish a release in the am after my Dr appt.

    Sent from my Pixel 4 using Tapatalk
    FlightRisk and Sumner like this.
  16. Keith Ledbetter

    Keith Ledbetter TrainBoard Member

    This is really exciting and great progress! I think what Dex is doing is going to be a game changer with adoption.

    FlightRisk I vote yes on merging the PR and then testing and calling it good for classic. We can do more later if needed or wanted but I agree we should get it out there.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2020
    Sumner likes this.
  17. FlightRisk

    FlightRisk TrainBoard Member

    Ok and great job Dex!
  18. Dex

    Dex TrainBoard Member

    Well as promised i have made a release.

    @Atani I already looked into github actions and didnt find what i needed for .net Framework. I dont use .net core like a lot of new applications are doing. Due to the nature of this installer I am unsure about using mono library for .net since it uses the serial port and also will require sudo/admin access to modify path values in order to get platformio working. My current laptop does have mint on it so i can attempt things but i am unsure if it will work or not. Any suggestions would be helpful.
    Sumner, Atani and Keith Ledbetter like this.
  19. Sumner

    Sumner TrainBoard Member

    Dex I'm trying the installer at the moment and ran into a couple things so PM'ed you about them,

  20. Dex

    Dex TrainBoard Member

    Ok guys just an update on the Installer i have ran into a few hiccups regarding it currently when it attempts to download Arduino it doesnt download the full archive so when it goes to extract it then it fails because the file is not completed. At that point the application closes as i havent handled the error from it. I am working on a solution for it now will hopefully have it up soon.
    Atani likes this.

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